Making/ purchasing bunting
Erecting flags/bunting
Public liability and other insurances
Recruitment of stall holders
Organising Grand Raffle
Design/ build/ erection of Information boards
Car parking and traffic control
Parade of Sail
Liaison with cafes/ pubs/ restaurants/ craft and art galleries
Public address system
Teas and snacks
Pre-event Reception
Liaison with Prince Edward Island
Liaison with Yeo family members
Arranging for a ship to go in the Dock
Permissions from TDC/ Environment Agency and others
Recruiting musicians, dancers and bands.
Recruiting crowd entertainers
School children involvement
Money arrangements on the day
Liaison with Maritime museum
Booking Halls
Staging exhibitions
Manning CASH fund raising and recruitment stalls
Photography/ video record of the day
Recruiting and programme of speakers/ films throughout the day
Obtaining business sponsorship
Devising and printing official programme