How it Works:
Phoenix Leisure staff arrive and set up equipment in plenty of time. When we are due to start the Compere and Tote sellers will introduce themselves to the guests before handing out the Funy Money and some humorous Race Cards.
The Race Cards contain instructions but the Compere will also verbally explain the format to the guests. Once the formalities are over the tote sellers will return to the tables and collect the bets! A member of the audience is invited to choose a race tape at random and another asked to roll the Dice. The odds are announced and the video begins- a short completely inaccurate (but fun) preview of the race follows before the race gets under way. Each race has a professional commentary and an on screen leader board
When the race finishes an on screen results board is shown and the Compere invites the winners to wave their winning tickets at the tote sellers who return to the tables, expose the cheats and pay out the real winners etc.